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According to Global Market Insights, Inc., the global digital health market was valued at USD 86 billion in 2018 and expected to grow at a CAGR of 38.8% over the next seven years, expected to reach USD 504 billion in 2025. Rapidly advancing technologies , including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, Robotics, IoT and wearables, etc. are impacting and accelerating health care industry. Smart MedTech can advance health care quality, improver data controls, decisions making in treatment or pharma and precision medicine, all these require the collaboration between microelectronics and health care industry.

For microelectronics industry, it’s essential to understand the health care industry’s expectation and provide reliable, efficient and cost-effective solutions to increase the market size. As for health care industry, MedTech comes with immense opportunities to take advantage of latest technologies and to boost the technology advancement. The close collaboration between these two industries definitely bring the bright future for human life.

The Smart MedTech forum not only initiate the communication between microelectronics industry with MedTech applications, but also accelerate semiconductor industry involvement in MedTech development and invest more resource to realize Smart MedTech.
