AINTU Achievements
臺大人工智慧技術暨全幅健康照護聯合中心在科技部的指導下於2018年正式成立,本中心結合人工智慧技術及生技醫療兩大研究領域,致力於建立學術標竿、接軌國際、與產業鏈結、培育AI專業人才及回應社會問題等面向,期能成為國際級AI創新研究中心。中心成立之初,即與美、日的AI學術研究重鎮建立合作關係,包含與美國史丹佛大學簽署合作備忘錄,也和日本國立研究開發法人產業技術總合研究所的人工智能研究中心進行合作,辦理多場國際論壇。並且在科技部、外交部的引薦下肩負接待來自世界各國訪賓之重任,曾於2018-2019年接待多國產官學研代表團參訪,包含來自英國、以色列、芬蘭(商務辦事處)、捷克(參議院衛生及社會政策委員會)、泰國(數位經濟促進辦公室)、美國在台協會、胡志明理工大學、德國(聯邦教育及研究部、經濟辦事處)、歐盟執委會成長總署、丹麥(國際事務部)、法國(國家研究總署、數位科學科技研究倫理反思委員會)、加拿大多倫多大學與滑鐵盧大學等代表團。同時,中心主動出擊,向國際重要機構取經,尤其在AI醫療照護的面向,包含參訪美國東西兩岸生技醫療與科技重鎮:哈佛大學、MIT、與麻省總醫院所在的波士頓以及史丹佛大學、Google所在的矽谷,加拿大三大AI中心 (Amii, Mila, Vector)等,並建立後續合作。透過國際學術交流,提升臺灣AI發展在國際間之能見度。2020年間,因為全球各國COVID-19疫情嚴峻,與國際間之實質交流活動雖然暫緩,但仍持續保持與已建立合作之單位聯繫,並待未來實質交流重啟。
The Most Joint Research Center for AI Technology and All Vista Healthcare (AINTU) was established under guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in Taiwan in 2018. AINTU mainly focuses on two research fields, AI Technology and Biomedicine, and is determined to form an international AI innovation research center to establish academic benchmarks, serve as a bridge between domestic and international professionals, promote industry-academia collaboration, cultivate AI talents, and provide solutions to social problems. Not long after AINTU is established, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the center and Stanford University, and several international forums were held in collaboration with the Artificial Intelligence Research Center of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST AIRC) of Japan. And in 2019, with the referral from the MOST and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), AINTU has also served and collaborated with many important international guests to promote the development of AI technology in Taiwan. The guests including: AI delegation of UK, AI delegation of Israel, Finland Trade Center in Taiwan, Senate Committee on Health and Social Policy of Czech, Deputy Minister of Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) of Thailand, delegation of American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), delegation of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, President of University of Waterloo, delegation of Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, delegation of Directorate General of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of European Commission (DG Grow), delegation of French National Research Agency (ANR), President of the committee for ethical research in digital science in France (CERNA), and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering of University of Toronto.
Meanwhile, our center actively visited global organizations leading in AI research, especially AI in medical and healthcare, such as Harvard Medical School, MIT, MGH/BWH, Stanford University, and Google in US, and Amii. Vector, and Mila in Canada. During 2020, several physical activities with international institutions and cross-strait interschool collaborations have been planned; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the events were suspended.
In 2020, there were totally 31 MOST AI innovation programs executing under the AINTU. And the members including 174 professors (as principle investigators or co- principle investigators), 105 PhD students, 581 master’s students, and 11 fulltime researchers.
With the signed MOU and collaboration project agreements, AINTU has been actively bridging the industry and academia, to promote possible collaborations. And the center has also been continuously organizing educational events for students, researchers or AI practitioners, to help them learn deeper about AI technologies. In 2018 and 2019, AINTU has organized more than 10 seminars, 17 AI Meetup events, 11 workshops and refresher courses, 4 summer schools and hands-on courses. More than 3000 participants have joined the events.
With the understanding to the society’s concern on the issues of ethical, law, and regulation generated in the research process of AI technologies, in the past 3 years, AINTU has hosted 6 forums on the topics of legal issues faced during the research of technologies, and has also established the team of AI-ethical, legal, and social impact (AI-ELSI) at the beginning of foundation to provide possible solutions for the issues.