Crowd AI – Users Representation Learning, Affect Computing, and Behavior Shaping

計畫主持人:國立清華大學 電機工程學系李祈均教授

National Tsing Hua University Prof. Chi-Chun Lee(Jeremy)



1) 精準用戶聚類和行為表徵空間學習

2) 情緒識別和激發建模

3) 長時行為塑形研究。

Our aim is to focus on developing deep-learning-based AI technologies embedded with human factors (e.g., emotion and social factors) using large-scale heterogeneous type cyber physical data collected from real-world crowd user devices to achieve personalized services.

BIIC Lab 是由李祈均教授在清大電機系創立的研究團隊。
Behavioral Informatics & Interaction Computation (BIIC) Lab at EE, NTHU, Taiwan is led by Associate Professor Chi-Chun Lee (Jeremy).